Thursday, December 29, 2011

Doggie Food

Your commercial dog foods come in many shapes and forms. But its not all equal. There is a difference between natural and holistic dog food. Some dog foods only have fillers, others add beneficial nutrients. The better food may cost more, but it is better for your dogs health. There are other benefits to these dog foods, your dogs coat will be much more shinier, and you will also see a increase in energy. So what will you feed your dog?

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Rotten Food

Who would want to begin the day with having food poisoning. Different types of food go bad in different ways and rates. The best practice, when in doubt, throw it out. And you will be safe. The last thing you want is to be a human guinea pig. Eating rancid food can get you a ticket into the hospital real fast.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Carne Adovada Recipe

For those of you who love stew you will love this recipe. Carne adovada is a pork stew, in sauce made from ground dried Chile's. In Mexico it is served for breakfast. But it really makes a great and tasty meal any time. It is best served with some corn tortillas. Even thought you are using a cup of ground red Chile powder the stew is not to spicy. Its easy to put together also, here is all you need:

  • 1 Tbsp. vegetable oil

  • 3 lbs. pork butt or shoulder, well-trimmed of fat and cut into 1-inch pieces

  • 2 onions, chopped

  • 6 cloves garlic, chopped

  • 1 tsp. salt

  • 1 Tbsp. flour or masa harisa

  • 1/2 tsp. freshly ground pepper

  • 1 cup (8 oz.) ground dried New Mexican red Chile powder

  • 6 cups water or broth

    1. In a large pot over medium heat, add your oil. When the oil is hot, add your pork pieces to brown. Pork should sizzle the minute it touches the pot. Cook, about 3 minutes. Turn and brown on all sides. Transfer pork to a large bowl or plate
    When all pork is browned and set aside, then add onions, garlic, and salt to pot. Cook, stirring, until soft, about 3 minutes. Sprinkle with flour and pepper and cook, stirring, until flour smells like pie crust, about 3 minutes.
    Add ground Chile and stir to combine. Add 4 cups water and bring to a boil.
    In a blender, whirl Chile mixture until smooth. Return to pot and add another 1 cup water and reserved pork. Bring to a boil, cover, and bake 1 hour. Stir, add additional 1 cup water if stew seems dry, and bake until pork falls apart with a fork and sauce is thick, about another hour. Serve hot.


    Here's a great kit to get you started

    Monday, December 26, 2011

    Festive Party Trays

     Having a New Year's Eve party, and don't know what to serve? How about keeping it simple with a few festive party tray's or even boards. You can have a great looking table by using some pretty party tray's that you can even pick up at any dollar store. Keep your food simple by using finger foods. Grapes and cheese, crackers and cheese, stuffed cherry tomatoes all work well. Make your tray's inviting and do foods like homemade guacamole in plantain cups. How about one tray being all dipped fruit in chocolate, surrounded by mint leaves.

    Don't just stop there, dried fruits and nuts work well together as a finger food, using a cocktail fork on the side. A cutting board with cheese, surrounded by a assortment of crackers looks pretty as well.

    Make it easy, quick, and festive.

    Saturday, December 24, 2011

    Frito Lay Review

    Today I am testing and tasting three products sent to me from Frito Lay.

    Frito Lay, first started with a dream in 1932. C.E Doolin had gone into a San Antonio cafe,and got him self a bag of corn chips. He soon learned that the maker of the chips wanted to sell. And that's when Mr. Doolin bought the recipe and formed the the company Frito's. He was eager to sell his chips and did so from his model T ford. At the same time Herman Lay was starting his potato chip business. In 1961, the two companies merged and Frito Lay was born. 

    You will find the products in just about every store. And today, I get to try and review about these well known snacks. First up, the classic potato chips. Not only we're the chips tasty, they we're very fresh. They made a great side with my sandwich. Each bite was a crunch of goodness. I also wanted to try the chips with some dip, to see how they would hold up. They handled the dip great, with out breaking when scooping up the dip. The salt on the chips was just right, not overly salty at all. After you taste this great chip, you will understand why its been America's favorite chip for over 75 years.

    Next up was the Tostitos with a hint of lime. With the upcoming Holidays, I must say all three snacks would be great on anyone ones table.

    When you bite into this snack chip, you get the taste of fresh corn Tostitos with just the right hint of lime. Paired with some salsa I made, it was the perfect chip for the job. The chip held up great, when dipped into the salsa, the chip did not fall apart at all. I also wanted to go a step in another direction for trying the chip, and crushed it and used it as a breading on tonites chicken breast, that I was cooking. My family raved at how good it turned out. I didn't use any additional seasonings, just the crushed chips. And did the three steps, flour, egg, and chips instead of bread crumbs. And the chips held up great during the frying process.

    The last snack to try is the Sun chips with salsa. These snacks are a great alternative to potato chips. Made from whole grains, and a hint of salsa, they contain powerful flavors.
    You not only get a great tasting chip, you get all the flavors of a garden salsa. Its also a great feature that these chips are soy free. They make a great snack for anyone. The chip has a great crunch, yet it is still light and airy. It was the most flavorful multi grain product I have tasted. Having a salsa flavor, they are not to bold on the taste buds. The sun chip also held up great with a sour cream dip I made. The two combo's made a party in our mouths.

    These snacks we're fantastic, and I would serve them any time. They also can be incorporated into many recipes.

    If you would like more information, you can visit the company online at  or find them on face book or twitter.

    Their website is filled with not only a ton of information, but a recipe page as well. Try these snacks, and I promise you, you will not be disappointed.

    Disclaimer: Momzblotter has personally reviewed the product listed above. Momzblotter has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Momzblotter did receive a free product to try out so Momzblotter could evaluate and use it for her review. Momzblotter's thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your  opinions may differ.

    Friday, December 23, 2011

    American Gourmet Snacks Review

    Today I received six bags of Gourmet Pretzels from the American Gourmet of Snacks Co. They started in 1981 and have been producing the finest gourmet pretzels since then. Using the finest ingredients, these pretzels can only be the best. So it's time to check them out. Also the company is a family based business, and these types of companies usually make the best products.

    The first bag was Butter Mini Twist Pretzels. These mini pretzels taste just like they say buttery. Not over buttery, just the right amount to the crunch.  I served them with a pretzel dip I make and they we're a great compliment. The mini pretzels are packed with a burst of flavor. They are just the right texture, not hard to the bite at all. I would like to also try these crushed up and used as a breading on some pork chops. I think the outcome would be fantastic. Great product to serve at any gathering.

    The next bag was Onion Garlic Twist. The flavors we're just the right balance. The garlic did not over power the pretzel. You get a hint of the onion and garlic in each bite. This is the first time I have ever tried this flavor in a pretzel, and I really enjoyed it. I can see this also used as a breading in some of my recipes. I served this with some sour cream dip that I make and it to was a party in my mouth. You can taste the love the company puts in their products. Very addicting flavor for sure.

    The last bag was Honey Mustard Twist, a great combo for a pretzel. Again the flavors did not over power you. Honey Mustard is one of my favorite combo's no matter what it is incorporated into. And this pretzel truly is a fantastic product. I once again can see any of these pretzels used in many different types of recipes as well as being served for a great snack. The taste and texture of all these pretzels, just melt away in your mouth. They we're great eaten alone, and with the dips I used.

    Try serving these at your next get together and you will be the hit of the party.

    For more products from the company, check out their website.

    You can find them on face book as well.

    Disclaimer: Momzblotter has personally reviewed the product listed above. Momzblotter has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Momzblotter did receive a free product to try out so Momzblotter could evaluate and use it for her review. Momzblotter's thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your  opinions may differ.


    Thursday, December 22, 2011

    J. Skinner Review

    I would like to introduce you to J. Skinner Bakery. It all began for them in 1911, when they started with pasta. Today they make addictive tasting European style danish. Their Danish is made with over 100 layers of authentic Danish dough. And when you taste it you will see the dedication that goes into their products. The melt in your mouth Danish, is exquisite. The Danish will make your mouth want more. Each product is moist, and full of flavor.

    And today, I got to sample two of their Danish Bakery items. The first was the Heavenly Cheese Danish. It was so moist, and so full of flavor. It has a creamy cheese filling, with white icing drizzled over the whole Danish. And with a hot cup of coffee, you will be in heaven your self.
    They are also baking some of the best Cinnamon rolls I have ever tasted. This Danish product also has the 100 layers, that is twirled with cinnamon and brown sugar. Its sweet and yummy. It has American neufchatel cheese icing on top. It is a easily addictive roll.
    The company can be very proud of their products, you can taste the love in every bite you take.

    If your interested in J. Skinner's bakery products, please visit them at
    There are much more than these two products there to choose from, that's if you can. You will just want to eat them all.

    Disclaimer: Momzblotter has personally reviewed the product listed above. Momzblotter has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Momzblotter did receive a free product to try out so Momzblotter could evaluate and use it for her review. Momzblotter's thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your  opinions may differ.

    Tuesday, December 20, 2011

    Brenda's Perfect Brittle Review

    The people at Brenda's Perfect Brittle we very gracious with their product to review. They didn't send just one they sent a whole case of different flavors. Flavors of their Peanut Brittle that is. I must admit, some flavors I have never heard of, in fact many of them. When you grab some brittle in the supermarket, it is usually just plain old peanut brittle. Not so from Brenda's.

    The brittle comes form the Southwestern state of New Mexico. After years of giving the brittle as a gift, Brenda's brittle went national. The recipe came from Brenda's mom, and from friends flavor suggestions.
    So we need to start tasting. The whole family was called in for this huge taste test.

    To start the red chile pecan brittle was tasted. I found that my husband would do best for this one. He said the brittle was great, and he found that it did not even stick to his teeth. You get a little kick from the chile's, and the crunch of the peanuts, great combo of flavors here. A nice thing about these brittles is they are gluten free.
    Next in the mouth was the cashew brittle. This one I took on, and I must say, cashew's are my all time most favorite nut. In case you did not know, the cashew nut came from Brazil, and it is a rich antioxidant, which elimiates some types of cancers. The nut being in high copper amounts gives you energy to. So its a great healthy snack and a quick pick me up one to. It was very great tasting. And my husband was right, you don't get that stuck to your teeth sensation when eating the brittle.
    The nutty pop was next, and my daughter of nine tried this one. I mean what kid would not want to try a lollipop treat. This pop was their orginal flavor, and my daughter liked the idea that the brittle did not stick to her teeth. No kid likes that. So these make a great healthy snack for school lunchs. She really enjoyed it, and said it tasted really good. And this brittle is low in fat, so its very child friendly.

    Next up was the pecan cherry brittle. This one I never heard of but was excited to try. The taste was sweet, probly from the cherries, but very good. It was on the chewy side, but yet did not stick to your teeth. It had a burst of flavor in your mouth for sure. You won't be disappointed with this as a snack.
    The green chile brittle was are next taste test. Another unusal flavor I have never heard of. Its a combo of the orginal flavor and a combination mix of green chile spice. Very unique I must say. These treats have no butter or preservatives added to them, so you can't go wrong as a snack item. They all seem not to stick to your teeth either. Very tasty for the flavor of green chile mix combo.
    Awe, pumpkin pie. Probly a great choice for the Holidays. Excited to try this one, I enjoy any pumpkin pie flavored treat. This tasted like warm pumpkin and spice, mixed with the peanuts. Had a sweet crunch to it.
     Macadamia Brittle was next on the taste buds. Actually it was Macadamia Brittle. Yes macadamian nuts and coconut. This was a combo of sweet and salty at the same time. Great combo, if I must say so. You get the crunch of the macadamians and the suttle hint of coconut in every bite.
    Now for the cranberry almond. I love cranberries in anything, cookies, cakes, and now brittle. After trying this you will to. You get a taste of tart and tangy with this brittle. And at the same time some sweet and salty flavors going on. A great Holiday brittle here to.
    Last one was the Pion brittle. Another flavor I have never heard of. This one is unique in itself. But tasted great, and was a big hit with the family. You get a taste of sweet pine, like your outdoors in the wilderness. Its different, but good.
    If you would like to know more about the brittles from Brenda, jump on over to her website at . There is so much more there, that they offer. And if your there why not friend them on facebook and twitter as well.

    Disclaimer: Momzblotter has personally reviewed the product listed above. Momzblotter has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Momzblotter did receive a free product to try out so Momzblotter could evaluate and use it for her review. Momzblotter's thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your  opinions may differ.


    Monday, December 19, 2011

    Coffee Lovers try this

    If you love coffee, then you have got to try making some Spanish coffee with these ingredients,Tia Maria, rum and coffee. Using these ingredients, like Tia Maria gives this cocktail some added coffee flavour. You can use light or dark rum, it's all up to you. This is a great drink to make this Holiday season. Here is what you will need:


    • 1/2 oz Tia Maria
    • 1/2 oz rum
    • 1 cup hot coffee


    Mix and serve with whipped cream.
    Serves 1

    Double the ingredients per serving.

    Sunday, December 18, 2011

    Lochel's Bakery

    If you are looking for a bakery like there was back in the day, Lochel's is the place to go. I had the opportunity to taste their donuts, pound cake, and little cakes today, and they we're all great. is there website. The store is located in Hatboro PA.

    The donuts and cakes we're very light and fluffy. The bakery is best known for their wedding cakes. And you can see their reviews and article's in places like the knot, and wedding wire.

    Another customer favorite at the bakery is their donuts. And after you taste some you will see why.

    The bakery has been going strong since 1942, producing fresh bakery products ever since.

    If your in town, or want to order some products visit their website or stop by the bakery.

    You can also find them on face book as well.

     Disclaimer: Momzblotter has personally reviewed the product listed above. Momzblotter has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Momzblotter did receive a free product to try out so Momzblotter could evaluate and use it for her review. Momzblotter's thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your  opinions may differ.

    Saturday, December 17, 2011

    Demitri's Product Review

    If you looking for ingredients to make a good bloody mary look no further. Demitiri's has sent me two products to test and review. Now you can make a bloody mary as good as the bartenders do.

    The company began in 1988, with the passion of a bartender. The bartender was Demitri Pallis. His passion, the perfect bloody mary.
    So what I got was the bacon rim shot, which is a all natural spiced rim salt for the glass. And a box of the perfect bloody mary seasoning mix original recipe.

    First up, the bacon salt. This was the best complement for our bloody mary's. This bacon salt gives the taste of a smoky garnish like it states. And you can smell the aroma of bacon as well. This four ounce tin packs a powerful ingredient that is for sure. I am sure if you use this at your next party, every one will be buzzing about your one of a kind bloody mary drink. The ingredients for this product is premium sea salts, and natural bacon salt, and a few of the company's secret ingredients. Whats nice also is the tin is the right size to do the glass rimming in, you don't need to empty the ingredients into any thing else. I never knew salt could add so much flavor and surprise to a drink. Especially bacon salt.

    Next up was the seasoning mix, that was in the box.
    This product would make a great gift for the Holidays. It has fourteen all natural ingredients, in little pouches. After you use these products you will know for sure, why Demitri has won numerous awards.

    If you want to be the most famous bartender at your next party, check out this company's website . There's so much more there to see. You can also find them on twitter and face book.

    Disclaimer: Momzblotter has personally reviewed the product listed above. Momzblotter has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Momzblotter did receive a free product to try out so Momzblotter could evaluate and use it for her review. Momzblotter's thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your  opinions may differ.



    Friday, December 16, 2011

    Fudgemail Reivew

    If your looking for a new way to send a greeting card, you may want to try out this company "fudgemail". They have candy filled greeting cards. And today I am lucky enough to try some of their candy, and enjoy the greeting card as well. They have a candy filled card for every occasion. Sending this type of greeting card will not sit on a shelf, it will be enjoyed with tasty candy.

    You may be thinking what is a candy filled card. Well what it is, exactly, is a specially designed candy box. They can be filled with one to four fudge or candy selections. The window of the box is clear so who ever is getting the candy card can see the selection. There is a space when you open the box to write you own message. The boxes are not pre printed with any text. This makes them great for any occasion, you choose for sending one.

      I received one filled box, and three single selections of candy from the company. Filled inside the box was a assortment of their fudge, and the singles we're white chocolate oreos, boil weevil bark, and milk chocolate peanut clusters.

    As you can see the first one I tried was the milk chocolate peanut clusters. I did save one for a picture. Yes, I ate the whole bag, once you started, it was hard to stop. The clusters we're made from very large roasted and salted Virginia peanuts, and creamy rich milk chocolate. And I must tell you they we're addictive.

    Next, was the boil weevil bark. A interesting name for candy, don't you think. Well don't get to fooled, this stuff was fantastic. The company was inspired to make this candy from their Alabama history. It had peanuts, oreos, and mini marshmallows, and mixed in with a wonderful tasting peanut butter chocolate. So many flavors in one bite.

     Now who could resist oreos and chocolate, I know I can't. And I think if you taste one of these you won't resist the rest of the bag either. Just make sure you get your milk to wash them down with. The company takes Oreo cookies, than hand dips them in their chocolate, and then they decorate them with sprinkles. And what you get is a party in your mouth.
    Now in the box was a mixture of different fudge the company makes. Like peanut butter, and milk chocolate. Let me tell you a secret, my grandma never made fudge like this. But let's keep that between us. The fudge, is just so rich with flavor, and so creamy in texture. Anyone getting one of these candy filled cards, is going to remember you year after year.

    Any teacher your child may have, or even a co worker, this product makes a great gift.

    If you would like more information on how to order these wonderful card candy filled boxes, jump on over to their website. . You'll find their boxes, and so many selections to fill them with.

    What ever you do, just don't tell your grandma, you found fudge better than hers.

    Disclaimer: Momzblotter has personally reviewed the product listed above. Momzblotter has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Momzblotter did receive a free product to try out so Momzblotter could evaluate and use it for her review. Momzblotter's thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your  opinions may differ.


    Thursday, December 15, 2011

    Goose Valley Wild Rice Review

    Today's product I am going to review came from Goose Valley. Makers of Wild Rice. The rice only comes from one location, and that is Goose Valley. All their rice is hand selected, and only the plumpest Grade A is chosen. This is what makes their rice, like no other.

    I received two bags of their rice, one bag of Natural Wild Rice, and one bag of Arborio and Wild Rice Risotto Fusion.

    Having a Spanish husband, and my self Italian, rice is a permanent staple in my home. So you can understand why my family was excited to give the two rice's a try.

    The first we cooked and tasted was the Natural Wild rice.
    You can tell this did not come out of a box, like you find in your local super market. This definitely delivered a gourmet taste. The directions to cook the rice we're easy to follow. I took it upon myself to add some herbs and celery to the rice. And upon tasting it was very pleased. The wild rice from Goose Valley is not only high in fiber and protein, but is heart healthy and gluten free. If your on a vegan diet, you'll love this rice. This rice was very good.

    Next to try was the Arborio and Wild rice Risotto Fusion, and I must say being Italian I was looking forward to this one.
    This wild rice from Goose Valley is one of their customers favorite, and after tasting you will see why. This combo is a fantastic blend of whole grain rice's. A mix of calmait brown, and wild rice and heirloom red rice, and calmochi sweet brown rice, you can't go wrong. The flavors together make a rich and hearty flavorful rice mix. In each bite you also get a taste of spice and nectar.

    These products not only cook up great, and taste good, they are very healthy for you. Also they are Grown, processed and packaged in a

    For more information go to the website . You will find a ton of information, and more products as well. From there also you can find some great recipes for their wild rice's. While your there, friend them on twitter and face book.
    Disclaimer: Momzblotter has personally reviewed the product listed above. Momzblotter has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Momzblotter did receive a free product to try out so Momzblotter could evaluate and use it for her review. Momzblotter's thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your  opinions may differ.

    Wednesday, December 14, 2011

    Medjool Dates Review

    Today from Natural Delights I recieved a box of Medjool Dates. These plump delicous dates are known as the King of Fruits. What makes them great is the fact that they are grown in the sun along Bard Valley. They are the truest of date perfection for sure.

    I decided to give the dates a try in some appitizers I was testing for a Christmas Party. I chopped a few of them up and used them on top of my mascapone cheese that was spread on a sesame cracker. It was a big hit with my family, and I am sure it will be the same with my quests.

    The second recipe was taking two dates and putting a slit in them. And stuffed them with some brie and topped that with some finely chopped walnuts. Yes, these dates are plump enough to stuff. Once again they delighted my family. They are sweet and go great with cheese, as I am sure they would work in any recipe you choose.

    If you would like to know more about these sweet plump snacks hop over to the website and check the company out. . There is no other date like Medjool, and after tasting one, I am sure you will agree.

    Disclaimer: Momzblotter has personally reviewed the product listed above. Momzblotter has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Momzblotter did receive a free product to try out so Momzblotter could evaluate and use it for her review. Momzblotter's thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your  opinions may differ.

    Tuesday, December 13, 2011

    Cookie Baking Tip of the day

    For those who love to bake, know that when baking cookies, they sometimes come out to dark. So try this tip and see if it works for you.

    A dark cookie can be from the oven being to hot. To fix this problem, check on your cookies after they have been in the oven for five to ten minutes.

    If the edges of your cookie are dark, this could mean your center is not baked. Lower your temp by 25 degrees. Baking slower will let the center of your cookies cook through, without dark edges.

    Monday, December 12, 2011

    Must have kitchen tools

    If your like me, and you cook from scratch, you must have some basic kitchen tools. Each tool serves it own purpose in the kitchen, from flippin to siftin, there's a tool for it.

    For lifting your eggs and keeping them intact you need a good spatula. A good spatula will also flip any burgers you are cooking as well as getting food from one plate to another.

    A good mesh strainer is not only for your flour and sugar sifting, its great for washing veggies, and draining canned goods.

    Next is a good pair of tongs. They come in different lengths, and some even have rubber handles. These are great for tossing a salad and for turning food. They really come in handy for sauteing.

    Your rubber spatulas come in handy as well. They have several purpose's, from frosting a cake to scraping a bowl clean.

    Do you have a well stocked kitchen, with the right utensils?

    Friday, December 9, 2011

    Cakedy Review

    For the first time I received two products today, that we're combined of my two favorite things to eat. Yes folks, there is such a thing as candy and cake. And it comes made from a company called Cakedy. They are a Minnesota Candy Bar maker, that turns cake into a candy bar, and a candy bar into a cake, well actually they combine the two. Who would have thought of this, well they did, and the out come is a delicious treat.

    These fun Candy Bar treats will fit easily in your purse or pocket to eat on the go. When you have a craving for some candy and cake, now you can have both any time you wish.

    I received two bars, a peanutter and a redhead. I was excited to try them, and try them is what I did.

    First up was the peanutter, a creamy, luscious treat of cake and a frosted candy bar. Peanut butter and chocolate doesn't get any better than this. When your tasting this gourmet cake with the peanut butter chips, and the chocolate shell, your mouth just wants to sing with joy. It is just so sinfully good. The cake is so moist and decedent, and the hard chocolate candy shell is just the tip of the ice burg in the combo of flavors.

    Next up I tried the Redhead Cakedy Bar. This just made my mouth water, and wanted more. The strawberry cream was so tasty and rich. I'm telling you, your taste buds will not be disappointed with these products folks. You get nugget, cake and strawberries in one bite. Huge, Huge, flavors here. If I had to choose one of the Cakedy products from the other, I could not do it. Both are fantastic. It would be hard for anyone to put these Candy Cake Bars down.

    Both have such rich flavors, and taste so good. They are definitely addictive.

    If you would like to know more about the company and their products visit their website at . You mouth will thank you for it.

    You can also find them on facebook and twitter as well.

    Here is also a link to a contest from Cakedy, check it out.

    Disclaimer: Momzblotter has personally reviewed the product listed above. Momzblotter has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Momzblotter did receive a free product to try out so Momzblotter could evaluate and use it for her review. Momzblotter's thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your  opinions may differ.


    Thursday, December 8, 2011

    Note for Scammers

    Just want to let scammers know that this blog is protected. I have been getting alot of scam comments, but they are filtered and monitored and can not go through. But it is a hassle for me to have to delete and filter them out. So I thought I would save the spammers and scammers know you can stop wasting your time now.

    Wednesday, December 7, 2011

    Gourmet Gardens Review

    I would like to introduce you to a company called Gourmet Gardens. The company was started in the kitchen of Mrs. Bradshaw. She cooked up several jars of preserves a day, as long as there was fruit from the garden to do so. Her preserves we're so good she quit her job and traveled to sell not only her preserves but her syrups as well. From specialty shops to booths, the preserves and syrups sold. And before you knew it the products went national.

    I am thankful to the company for giving me the opportunity to taste and review about their products. They sent four jars, sweet potato butter, pickled asparagus, olives stuffed with garlic, and fire roasted pepper salsa.
    The first jar we tried was the fire roasted pepper salsa. If you like it hot, you will love this salsa. This salsa is made with five picked chilli's, jalapenos, pablanos, Serrano peppers, cayenne peppers and bell peppers and is deliciously hot. All the peppers come from the company's very own garden. So you know how fresh the ingredients are.

    The second jar of product we tried was the olives stuffed with garlic. These we're huge olives that we're stuffed with garlic. Great not only as a appetizer but would go great in cocktails for the Holidays.
    Next we tried the pickled asparagus. Asparagus has been one of my most favorite veggies, and I must admit I have never tried it pickled. It was really good, the spices they used with the asparagus was a great combo. This with the stuffed garlic olives would be a great addition to a antipasto salad. The asparagus still had a little crunch to it. And tasted so good.
    Last product we tasted as a family was the sweet potato butter. This we saved for last and had it with some toast. Wow, this was so good. I love fruit butters, to eat not only on toast but to add to my baking recipes. This taste so fresh and homemade. And the smell was so good, you could smell all the spices.

    The products from Gourmet Garden, would make a great gift for the Holidays, for the food lover you know. The company has so much more to offer, than just these four. So hop on over and check them out. You will find them at .

     Disclaimer: Momzblotter has personally reviewed the product listed above. Momzblotter has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Momzblotter did receive a free product to try out so Momzblotter could evaluate and use it for her review. Momzblotter's thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your  opinions may differ.

    Homemade Gift Ideas

    Gifts that are homemade are always from the heart. Here are some great gift ideas for the crafty person in all of us.

    How about knitting some soft fuzzy socks, to keep a loved ones piggy's warm. Or even knit a hat and matching gloves.

    Head out to the craft store, and make a little girl happy with some homemade earrings, or other jewelry.

    If you like to sew how about making a nice shoulder purse, or even a nice warm snug.

    Head out to the dollar store and find some tin boxes with handles and make the gardener you know a nice garden box.

    With dimensional paint you can make some slip free socks also.

    It's always fun to, making some jewelry with beads.

    Christmas stockings would be a great gift to, how about making some for the special people in your life.

    Christmas ornaments is another idea, these type of gifts can be used year after year.

    Tuesday, December 6, 2011

    Kids have cabin fever HELP

    Sooner or later the weather outside is going to get to the point that the kids can't go out to play. So it's up to you to cure the cabin fever, they may have. After all you don't want to hear every five minutes I'm bored. Get ready, get set and know how to cure the inevitable cabin fever.

    Here are some ideas. How about setting a time during the day to do one of these things with the kids. Bake, cook something together, crafts, puzzles, word games, board games.

    If you have room in your basement or garage, why not bring in and set up any outdoor toys and make a play area. This will keep them busy by them selves.

    Set up some play dates with their friends. Yours to, kill two birds with one stone.

    Doing some exercises together is an other way to pass the time. And it gets you and the kids healthy.

    In the basement or garage use some painters tape and make hop scotch.

    There are also things for the kids to do at your local home improvement stores. They have kid friendly projects. Also check out your local library, and craft stores for some kid friendly things to do.

    If you belong to a gym, check and see if there are any class's you and your child can take together.

    Go window shopping at the mall, let them peek in the windows and go window shopping with you. Then stop and have lunch.

    How about a treasure hunt in the house.

    If you have pets, how about teaching your pets some new tricks.

    Balloons can be a life saver to, you can use them for indoor volley ball, or other games.

    Have fun

    Monday, December 5, 2011

    Devo Olive Oil Review

    Olive oil doesn't come in two different varieties any more. And from Devo olive oil co you will see why. They make many different flavors of olive oil. And today I have the opportunity to try two bottles.

    The first bottle I tried was Chilean Picual Evoo. This is one of their most popular. When I cooked with the oil, it maintained its flavor really well. And for me this is important when cooking with Olive oil.

     Chilean Picual Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Chile

    This oil is great for not only sauteing but for baking as well.

    With this oil I made oven roasted potatoes. They came out wonderful. And like I said the oil kept it flavor.

    The second bottle Arbequina, is a extra dry olive oil from good old Cally, California that is.

    Arbequina Extra Virgin Olive Oil - California

    This is made with Arbequina olive, which is a sweet olive. The olive oil is best known in Spain.

    I wanted to try this oil in baking. So I made some cranberry walnut muffins. Instead of butter I used the oil. The muffins came out so moist, and the extra flavor from the olive oil made them a big hit with the family.

    Devo sells so much more than these two olive oils. So if your interested in knowing more check them out at their website.

    You can also find them on face book and twitter as well.

     Disclaimer: Momzblotter has personally reviewed the product listed above. Momzblotter has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Momzblotter did receive a free product to try out so Momzblotter could evaluate and use it for her review. Momzblotter's thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your  opinions may differ.

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    Friday, December 2, 2011

    Birds and People food

    I often get asked if you can give people food to your bird. Well the answer is definitely. In fact people food is much better than commercial bird food.

    Also your bird loves to share dinner with their human owner. It is a great bonding time. There are a few rules to follow.

    Raw food is better than cooked. Fresh fruits and veggies are the best way to go. Try to skip any seasonings, except for a few crushed red pepper flakes. And skip any salt this can hurt your beloved pet.

    Dont cook your birds food in non stick pans or stainless steel.

    For cooked foods, birds love pasta or rice. Always read up on what could be poisonous to your bird, you don't want to cook anything that can harm them.

    If your bird has never eaten people food before, introduce it slowly to them. Let them decide what they like or don't like.

    You can find many bird friendly recipes online to.

    So happy eating.


    Thursday, December 1, 2011

    Golden Valley Review

    Today I received two pkgs of Golden Valley Organic Beef Jerky products.

    The company that sent me the products to try and review is Golden Valley Natural. They are specialist in making all natural meat products. The jerky is from animals that do not have artificial growth hormones. And have other natural organic ingredients, so you know right away they are going to be good.

    Where to begin? Always a great idea to start with the basics - lean slices of steak smoked to the point of perfection. An instant classic.

    The first pkg we tried was their original jerky.


    Beef, Water, Sugar, Soy Sauce (Water, Wheat, Soybeans, Salt), Apple Cider Vinegar, Salt, Paprika, Natural Flavorings, Natural Smoke Flavoring.

    My husband loves jerky more then anyone I know, so I trust him to review this product with me. And the verdict is in, it was fantastic. After you try this jerky, you will become a big fan of this company. The jerky was tasty, and tender, and the best part its organic. This makes a great snack for anyone who is looking out for healthy eating. This jerky is more moist than others I have tried. Also worth mentioning:
    Gluten Free
    Organic beef raised without added hormones and without antibiotics
    Beef raised on organic feed
    Cattle are never fed animal by-products
    No artificial ingredients, no added MSG (Mono sodium Glutamate)
    No preservatives, No nitrite, No erythorbate
    With the care that goes into making this product, you will want to try it.
    Next we tasted the Golden Valley Natural Turkey Jerky Teriyaki.
  • From free-range turkeys raised without artificial growth hormones

  • High in protein, low in fat

  • No artificial ingredients or preservatives; no added MSG

  • Product of Idaho Falls, Idaho

  • How great are these. Well really great. Another product from the company that is great for the health conscious eater. I have tried other turkey jerky's and I have to admit this was one of the best I have tasted. Good flavor and great texture as well. Full of rich turkey flavor and just the right amount of spices.
    If you would like to know more about these and other products please visit the company's website . If you know a person who loves these types of snacks, why not order some for Christmas, they would make a great gift.

     Disclaimer: Momzblotter has personally reviewed the product listed above. Momzblotter has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Momzblotter did receive a free product to try out so Momzblotter could evaluate and use it for her review. Momzblotter's thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your  opinions may differ.

    Christmas Candy Ideas

    Are you thinking of sugar plums dancing in your head? Well here are some Christmas candy ideas, to not only make but to give as gifts.

    Rocky road fudge tops the candy list, its easy to make, and makes a great gift for anyone.

    Pralines also top the list, these creamy candies will delight any ones taste buds.

    Another fudge that is easy to make, is eggnog fudge, you and your family will just love this.

    If you like nuts, try making some spiced pecans and add some m&ms to them after they have cooled.

    Of course any peppermint candy is always a welcome. And a good peppermint bark candy is just what Santa would order.

    Reindeer chow is also a fun candy mix to make with the kids. Fruit, chocolate, cereal and white chocolate how can one go wrong here.

    Toffee is another Christmas fav among gift givers. Its a sophisticated gift to give.

    Chocolate and popcorn is another great candy recipe to make with the kids.