Friday, December 2, 2011

Birds and People food

I often get asked if you can give people food to your bird. Well the answer is definitely. In fact people food is much better than commercial bird food.

Also your bird loves to share dinner with their human owner. It is a great bonding time. There are a few rules to follow.

Raw food is better than cooked. Fresh fruits and veggies are the best way to go. Try to skip any seasonings, except for a few crushed red pepper flakes. And skip any salt this can hurt your beloved pet.

Dont cook your birds food in non stick pans or stainless steel.

For cooked foods, birds love pasta or rice. Always read up on what could be poisonous to your bird, you don't want to cook anything that can harm them.

If your bird has never eaten people food before, introduce it slowly to them. Let them decide what they like or don't like.

You can find many bird friendly recipes online to.

So happy eating.


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