Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ear Wax

Ear wax, everyone has it. It does not mean you are dirty or have poor hygiene. In fact sometimes ear wax can become impacted and noticeable at the opening of your ear. There are ways to prevent this buildup. Not properly taken care of can reduce your ability to hear correctly. Of course you can buy over the counter products or do it the natural way. It's your choice.

Tip of choice: with a wash cloth clean your ears on a regular basis. Your finger and the wash cloth can get the ears clean on the outer section and remove any wax that may be there.

Peroxide or water can also help ear wax from building up. With a dropper, periodically apply peroxide or warm water to each ear. This will keep wax soft and help stop blockage. Leave the solution in your ear for five minutes than drain.

It really is not a good idea to stick items into your ear. It can be tempting to do with a swab or finger, but not really a good choice. You can actually end up pushing the wax deeper into your ear canal. If this happens it can cause a impaction, and then the wax is unreachable, and unable to escape your ear. In fact a impacted ear can produce more wax production.

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