Not everyone has the money to go to the gym, but there are ways to curb your crazy cravings at home, and when your out cheaply. Try a few and see if they work for you.
Water, its free and available just about any where. You can even take it with you where ever you go. By eating one ounce of nuts and drinking one full glass of water, you will feel full. If you don't want to measure the nuts try counting. A ounce of nuts is about 20 peanuts. By using this method, the combo tells your belly its FULL.
Whats the rush, learn to eat your meals slowly. Chew, and enjoy the taste of your food. When you feel full, that's when it's time to stop. You will be surprised at how many of us keep eating even though we are full.
If you are watching TV, or on the computer, you would be amazed at how much you are eating and don't realize it. Eating this way distracts your mind and before you know it, a bag of chips is gone.
In a study, from Purdue University, it has been shown that eating foods with artificial sweeteners also leads to overeating. These sweeteners trick the body's ability to keep track of the calories you are taking in. Its always healthier to eat naturally sweet foods, like fruits and veggies.
To avoid any temptation, go on a cleaning spree, and get rid of all the unhealthy foods in your kitchen.
That dessert you order at the end of a meal, wait. By waiting a hour after eating you are like lessly to even want it.
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