Saturday, October 1, 2011

Static Cling

Did you know that static cling happens when one material sticks to another. This happens due to a accumulation of static electricity. And what happens is the clothing sticks to each other. We have all had this happen, especially when you have a dress on and it clings to your tights. Yes ladies, this can even be embarrassing. But there is help, a way to eliminate this from happening. In fact there are a few ways to nip this problem.

The first is to rub a dryer sheet against the inside of your dress, do this in a downward motion. Do this slowly and it should take care of the problem. Carrying some dryer sheets in your purse will come in handy.

Hairspray is another god send, spraying evenly on all areas of the dress where it has contact to your tights.

Putting a drop of hand lotion into the palm of your hand and rubbing against your tights will also help with static cling.

Lastly, running a wire coat hanger down the underside of your dress will also take care of the static cling problem


1 comment:

Dovre said...

lovely blog gonna follow for sure