Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bullies! What you can do.

Back when I was growing up, there was bullying going on, but it was not publicized like it is today. For some reason nothing ever gets noticed until it's to late. Why is that? Well let's at least try some of these tips to avoid the problem. But if you know someone, encourage them to tell someone what is going on.

Although it can be hard, Try avoiding them. But don't make it obvious. If you do then they will follow you around and bully you more. If they already follow you then skip this step.  Bullies hate to get backfired. So I would not encourage wording off at them.  If your bully makes fun of you by himself or herself, then next time walk with a group of people, friends would be best, and the bully would probably not do anything.  If you are bullied by a group of people, then again, go with your friends, in fact go with more people then they have. Bullies will mostly have 2-5 people in their group. It's best to act like you're all having a good time.  If your bully is the kind that will not back down even when you've tried all this, secretly tell a teacher. But when you do tell the teacher, it may be sometimes best to ask them not to mention that it was you. 

Try and make them uncomfortable, but not by hitting him/her otherwise you'll just get beat up. Try screaming for help or something. If they know that someone is going to end up coming, they probably won't do anything.

 Distract the bully to let the kid he is beating up get away.
 Stay calm, even if the bully approaches you or try asking Can I help you even if you may not or may need help or try being annoying they will get annoyed maybe!
 Try to get away from the bully, if possible. This helps to prevent confrontation.
 If you successfully prevented a fight between you and the bully, leave the situation, and don't talk about it much.

Remember, heart and reason trumps size and intimidation when it comes to fights. Anyone can win a fight no matter the size difference. If a bully is beating up on another kid you don't have an option, you have to intervene. If the bully has a weapon, try to disrupt him so he doesn't kill his victim, then run with the victim as fast as you can. If the bully doesn't have a weapon, a good approach would be to tackle him while he's facing away from you beating on his victim.   
Cyber Bullying happens also, try these tips.
If you started out as friends, read through all the messages you have sent them to see how it turned mean between you. Maybe you have become unfriendly to them without knowing it. There may still be a chance to sort it out. Reply to ask them if they still want to be friends and ask them to talk it out with you.

If they are not your friend, do not reply! Don't give them attention for being ugly. Just ignore them.
 If they still continue, tell one of your friends, a trusted older person or teacher, as this will give you an outside perspective to support you.
If you can block the bully, then do it fast.

Don't delete the messages. Because if this continues, you will need proof to prove you are being cyber bullied. If they keep sending you messages, check whether they are using the same Internet company. Phone the company up asking if they could give them a warning.
If all that fails, change your email address and/or cell phone number.

Being the victim of a bully can be a scary thing, but it is important to tell someone before it gets out of control.

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