Friday, February 4, 2011

Kids Lunch Ideas

One of the ways to make sure your child is eating healthy foods in school is to pack their lunch. Especially with the problem of childrens obesity.

Here are some tips:

 Get a hardy lunch bag or box. You will need one that is able to hold food, money, and any extras your child may need.
# Pack a small, healthy snack, like crackers and cheese, yogurt, a fruit cup.
# Incorporate some protein in the main part of the meal. If your child likes tuna, make a sandwich with a little bit of mayo.
# Freeze a juice box overnight, and put it in with the foodstuffs. It will keep the food cold, and will thaw by the time lunch begins.
# Give the kid a break every once in a while, and give them a treat.

If you have any good tip ideas, let's hear them.

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