Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sunshine Tahini Sesame Review

This product was received today for review from the company Sunshine International Foods. The company is locted in Methuen Ma.

What is Tahini? Tahini is a staple used in middle eastern cooking every day. Sesame Tahini is made of the purest of sesame seeds.

Today I tryed this product for lunch on toasted bread. It had a great taste. I could have eaten right out of the jar.

This Tahini comes in roasted and light roased jars. Available in four sizes, one, two, forty and four hundred fifty pounds.

The Tahini is very healthy for anyone. It is all natural, no preservatives, 0 trans fat, and makes a great peanut butter subsitute.

  • Tahini contains a living treasure of amino acids, vitamin and essential acids.

  • Tahini is RICHER in protein than milk, yogurt, almonds, cashews, hazel nuts, walnuts, soya, sunflower, wheat germ, legumes and pecan nuts.

  • Tahini is one of the richest sources of Methionine (an essential amino acid).

  • Tahini also contains natural lecithin, which reduces blood fat levels and provides protection from environmental pollutants such as nicotine.

  • Tahini is the best food source of Calcium. Unlike milk, Tahini is NON MUCOUS FORMING. Other important minerals include Potassium, Phosphorus and Magnesium.

  • Tahini supplies excellent amounts of vitamin E which slows aging of body cells and helps retain proper focusing of the eyes.

  • Tahini is one if the best sources of vitamin T (very few foods are). It improves memory and concentration abilities and in combination with the excellent amount of phosphorous present.

  • Tahini provides a potent brain and nerve food. Vitamin T in combination with the mineral Iron develops healthy blood due to it's purifying abilities.

  • Vitamin F is an essential vitamin for our bodies to transfer oxygen.

  • It combines protein and cholesterol creating collagen which in turn combats cholesterol particles, leaving you with a cleaner, healthier body.

  • Vitamin A is also well supplied in the B group vitamins in particular vitamin B3.

  • Tahini can be very easily digested within 30 minutes enabling a quick supply of essential nutrients.

  • It also improves Stamina and Endurance to all muscles.

  • Very Heart Healthy, so what's not to love.

    For recipes, and ordering information please visit their website: . The website has a wealth of information.

     Disclaimer: Momzblotter has personally reviewed the product listed above. Momzblotter has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Momzblotter did receive a free product to try out so Momzblotter could evaluate and use it for her review. Momzblotter's thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your  opinions may differ.

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