Thursday, April 21, 2011

Apropos Roasters Review

Another product that I received today was coffee from Apropos Roasters. A company that believes the best coffee is the freshest coffee. What they do is buy quality fair trade organic beans from farms and distributors. They take those and roast them to order in small quantities, never letting the old beans sit.

So it was time to test the coffee. Anyone who knows me, knows I love coffee. The aroma when the coffee was brewing made the whole house smell so wonderful. They grounded the coffee for me, and it came in a cute brown wrapper with a twine bow. These products would also make great gifts for any coffee lover. My blend was Peru Cajamarca. And when I drank it I could close my eyes and just imagine being there. The coffee had a great texture and taste to it. Not to bold like some organic coffees.

They also included a vial of coconut rum coffee creamer. This and the coffee was a great way to end a evening.

If you would like to know more about Apropos Roasters and their wonderful coffees please visit them at . You'll be glad you did.

 Disclaimer: Momzblotter has personally reviewed the product listed above. Momzblotter has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Momzblotter did receive a free product to try out so Momzblotter could evaluate and use it for her review. Momzblotter's thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your  opinions may differ.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, I really appreciate you finding my shop and testing things out! I'm glad it was a relaxing thing for you:-)
-Jennie w/

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