Friday, April 29, 2011

Wine Cork Jewelry Etc

Today I received two kandle korsets from a company called wine cork jewelry etc. They we're both handmade, and very neat. I have never seen anything like this before.

You take the korset and wrap it around your glass candle jar to dress it up. It lace's up just like a woman's korset, they are really cute. They make a great gift for any occasion. You can change the korset's to even go with your holiday decor.

They give any glass candle a pick me up look. The designer of these makes them from Eco fi felt, one hundred percent cotton, eyelets, and a ribbon.

They are available in many styles and colors. They are very durable, and make a great conversation piece. They block the part when your candle is getting low and your left with a sloppy look.

You are also able to get creative when lacing them. They both came with instructions on the proper way to use them so nothing catches on fire.

You can use these korsets in a unique way or even a sassy way. They make a great gift, and any one would be glad to have them adorning their candles.

They are also adjustable to fit just about any jar candle.

Nice product. If you would like to own one of these unique kandle korsets please visit at And browse the many items they have for sale.

Momzblotter reviewed these products, momzblotter did not receive any monies to do so. All opinions are my own, your may differ.


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