Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ugleepen Review

The uglee pen was designed by Dr. Lee, a molecular biophysics and biochemistry grade from Yal and Stanford. All the writing done in school took a toll on him so he decided to design his own. He is also known for making his own clay pens. He experimented with every shape, texture and material and ink until he made the Perfect Pen.

This great feeling pen weighs 11 grams, and feels so comfortable in your hand. It has less mass than other pens. So it feels lighter in your hand. It was a great pen to do a review on since I myself do alot of writing for my roofing company.

The grip has ultimate comfort when holding on to it to write. The shape is detailed to contour your hand perfectly. The material grips you, you don't grip the material.

The uglee pen is mated with a smooth ink system, smoother than any other, like a roller ball pen, gel or fountain pen out there.

Anyone can benefit from this pen if they do alot of writing. It fits every hand from large to small. It will benefit you if you write all day or even for a few minutes. After trying and using this pen you will not want to use any other. What's great is if you try the pen and don't agree it's the best out there they will send all your money back guaranteed.

To find out how to get yours go to .

 Disclaimer: Momzblotter has personally reviewed the product listed above. Momzblotter has not received any monetary compensation for her review. Momzblotter did receive a free product to try out so Momzblotter could evaluate and use it for her review. Momzblotter's thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your  opinions may differ.

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