Sunday, April 10, 2011

How to control your oily skin

Did you know that oily skin happens when your sebaceous glands in your skin become overactive, and start to produce excessive sebum. There are many reasons for oily skin, which includes your hormone levels, the humidity, your diet and the cosmetics you use. The biggest reason for oily skin is heredity. Also oily skin is common during puberty, but can also affect anyone of any age. There really is nothing that can stop you from having oily skin, but there are options that will help you reduce the problem.

Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisture, Sensitive Skin, 4 Ounces (Pack of 2)

If you wash your face three times a day, with soap and hot water, you are dissolving and washing away skin oil. You can also use regular bar soap or a medicated soap to wash oily skin. Clearasil soap also works good if you have oily skin. Another great way to unclog your pores is to exercise on a regular basis. This improves your blood flow, and circulation, which helps unclog your pores by sweating. Although most people feel sweating is bad for their skin, it is really healthy for it. And can actually stop oily skin and reduce acne.

Thayers Original Witch Hazel with Organic Aloe Vera Formula Astringent Pads 60 ea

Another method for oily skin is to apply a mud or clay mask to apply to your face. Do this several times a week. The darker the masks the more absorbent. A rose colored clay is less irritating to your sensitive skin. Also use a astringent with acetone to help you stop oily skin. Rubbing alcohol and witch hazel also are great astringents. At your local pharmacy you can purchase astringent pads to carry with you in your purse.

Clearasil Ultra Acne Solution System

Buying and using water based cosmetics will also help to decrease oil on your skin. Set your foundation with applying a light dusting of baby powder to your face. Baby powder is more absorbent than most cosmetic powders on the market. The baby powder will not stop the oil, but it can help to minimize the appearance of oily skin on your face.

Borghese Fango Active Mud for Face & Body 17.6 oz (500 g)

Also check with your doctor about your contraceptive, you may need to change it if your skin has become to oily. Hormones help play a major role in your skin, this is why it is oily, or producing acne. Try overstimulating your skin. If you are over exfoliating you are triggering the production of excess oil. If you love the sun, that excess sunburn will also over stimulate your face into producing more oil. If you do exfoliate you should only do it twice a week to control increase in oil.



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